Who We Are
We are a small, diverse company with a team of environmental geologists, engineers, and applied scientists. Our combined remediation experience with a variety of subsurface conditions, remedial amendments, and land uses ensures effective solutions to your unique contaminated site. We are driven to provide thoughtful remediation service that is rooted in our company ideals of collaboration, support, and problem solving
Health And Safety
We recognize that a safe work environment and working safely can only be achieved if we take measures to ensure the safety of ourselves and those around us throughout every step of our operations.
We have the status of Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) in the province of Alberta under Energy Safety Canada as our certifying partner.

Our People
Principal | Environmental Geologist
Gord is responsible for overseeing the design and implementation of in situ remediation projects, senior review, and overall management of Geo Tactical. He has been working in the environmental industry since 1990 and has been conducting in situ remediation work since 1993.
Environmental Engineer
Heather is responsible for in-situ remediation design, project management, our injection verification analysis (3D tiltmeter mapping), senior review, and assisting with company management. She has been involved with in-situ remediation projects since 2009.
Environmental Geoscientist | Health and Safety Manager
Andreea first started her work with in-situ remediation projects in 2011 and is now responsible for in-situ design and project management. Another vital role Andreea plays is managing our corporate health and safety program, maintaining us at a high level of safety.
John Audet
Operations Manager
John joined Geo Tactical in 2015 and has been critical for optimizing our field operations and developing our equipment. He is also responsible for training and supervision of Geo Tactical’s field personnel.
Environmental Engineer
David is responsible for the field implementation of our in-situ remediation work and assisting with project reporting. He has been a member of the Geo Tactical team since 2021.
Environmental Field Technician
Derek became part of the Geo Tactical team in 2022. He is responsible for the field implementation of our in-situ remediation work as well as shop and equipment maintenance.
Business Development Manager
Danny has been with Geo Tactical since 2017, providing business development services. His background in chemistry and work experience allows him to connect with clients in a technical, professional, and personal manner.
Melody Evans
Office Manager
Melody is responsible for managing and running our office and assisting with project logistics. She joined Geo Tactical in 2024.