Our Services
We are subsurface injection specialists who remediate contaminated groundwater and soil in place. We work with our clients through all phases of the in-situ remediation process: design, field implementation, and post-remediation analysis.

Remedial Design
Geo Tactical works collaboratively with consultants and site owners to understand the site and remediation goals from a technical and non-technical standpoint. We complete in-situ remediation design for injection delivery of a variety of treatment mechanisms: bioremediation, chemical reduction, chemical oxidation, enhanced subsurface flow, etc.

Injection Using Pressure Control
The subsurface material dictates the pressure you’ll see during injection, Geo Tactical closely monitors injection pressure and adjusts the injection flow rate to ensure we are injecting under the intended pathway – permeation injection or fracture injection.
Geo Tactical is able to inject both slurries and solutions of a variety of treatment amendments for bioremediation, chemical reduction, chemical oxidation, and enhanced subsurface flow.

Injection Verification
Geo Tactical confirms where fracture injected material is emplaced in the subsurface using 3D Tiltmeter Mapping. This is completed using highly sensitive tiltmeters that measure the minute ground surface deformations created during the fracture injection process.
The field data from the tiltmeters is analyzed and input into modeling software to determine the geometry and orientation of the fracture. The results can be used to produce 2D and 3D graphics of individual fractures or complete fracture networks.